Cafe in Vityazevo by the sea 3 meals a day Buffet, dining room «Vityazevo Family»


We know that our Guests come to relax from routine work and have fun with family or friends.

For maximum comfort of our Guests, three meals a day on system «Buffet». This allows more time for walks and relaxation on the beach. You can relax in the lounge bar.

200 person

We know that our Guests come to relax from routine work and have fun with family or friends.

For maximum comfort of our Guests, three meals a day on system «Buffet». This allows more time for walks and relaxation on the beach. You can relax in the lounge bar.

3 meals a day on system «Buffet»:

  • Breakfast from 8:00 to 10:00;
  • lunch from 13:00 to 15:00;
  • dinner from 18:00 to 20:00.